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Romania's espionage accusations will be answered adequately

    02 June 2024 Sunday
    54 переглядів

    Romania is expelling the Ukrainian military attache and his assistant, Anatoliy Hrytsenko, head of the parliamentary committee for national security and defense, told a news briefing.

    “We have learned that the Romanian party decided to recommend that the military attache and his assistant be called back to Kyiv for some reasons,” he said. This is not a weighty or friendly move by Romania, and Ukraine should make a relevant response, Hrytsenko noted. “If our two military diplomats are being sent off, it is necessary to do so to two military diplomats of Romania,” he said. A Romanian military was detained in that country, as well as a citizen of Bulgaria, for allegedly giving over secret information to a representative of Ukraine. Yet, Ukraine's involvement in the affair has not been officially confirmed. The Bulgarian foreign ministry spokesman noted that the detained citizen of his country could have been acting as a private person and naturally did not represent the state.

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