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Ukrainian social-democrats to relinquish committee leadership

    05 June 2024 Wednesday
    43 переглядів

    The parliamentary group of the Social-Democratic Party of Ukraine (united) has announced that it intends to relinquish leadership in certain parliamentary committees, said Leonid Kravchuk, the SDPU(u) leader. Commenting on a statement by SDPU(u) members that the faction plans to join the opposition, Kravchuk said this statement was prompted by Viktor Yushchenko's determination to leave three committees - the budget, the freedom of speech and information, and the procedural ones - to the parliamentary minority.

    "Therefore it is not we who are the initiators, but Yushchenko, who initiated it earlier," he said.

    Pursuing this very approach, the SDPU(u) intends to relinquish the leadership of the committees, Kravchuk said. Interfax Interfax-Ukraine

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