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With 98.86% of votes counted, gap between Regions Party and Tymoshenko's bloc insignificantly widens

    07 June 2024 Friday
    40 переглядів

    With 98.86% of the district election commissions' protocols processed, the same five parties have been holding the lead: the Party of Regions, the Bloc of Yulia Tymoshenko (BYT), the Our Ukraine Bloc, the Socialist Party of Ukraine (SPU), and the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU). The Regions Party has gained 31.99% of the votes, the BYT - 22.29%, Our Ukraine - 14.02%, SPU - 5.71%, and CPU - 3.66%, the Central Election Commission announced on its official Web site.

    The bloc of Natalia Vitrenko received 2.89%, and parliament speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn's bloc received 2.44%, the Kostenko-Pliusch Ukrainian People's bloc - 1.89%, the Viche Party - 1.73%, and the Pora-PRP bloc - 1.47%.

    According to these data, the Regions Party will have 185 seats in parliament, the BYT - 129, Our Ukraine - 81, SPU - 33, and CPU - 21.

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