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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

A conference dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the proclamation of independence of Carpatho-Ukraine

    08 June 2024 Saturday
    55 переглядів

    After an introduction by Dr. Orest Popovych, the president of NTSh, the following talks will be presented: Petro Chasto, (editor of "Svoboda") on "The Phenomenon of Transcarpathia (Zakarpattya): Ancient Rus' in Contemporary Ukraine"; Serhiy Panko, candidate of philological sciences (NTSh - New York) on "Carpatho-Ukraine on the pages of the newspaper "Proboyem" in the years 1933-1943"; Dr. Taras Hunczak, Professor of History and Political Science at Rutgers University and the Director of the NTSh History and Philosophy Section, on "Carpatho-Ukraine in the context of European politics in the 1930's".

    4:00 PM

    Shevchenko Scientific Society
    63 Fourth Avenue
    between 9th & 10th St.
    New York, NY 10003, USA
    (tel) 212-254-5130
    (fax) 212-254-5239

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