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Dollar will stay at UAH 8-8.5 in October

    07 June 2024 Friday
    68 переглядів

    In October 2009, the sale rate of the cash US dollar in Ukraine will stay at the level of UAH 8-8.5, predicts Mykola Ivchenko, head of the Forex-Club information-analytical center.

    At the same time, the expert says, there are no economic grounds for a sharp strengthening of the national currency before the end of the year. In Ivchenko's words, the decline in the cash rate of the dollar sale by UAH 0.3 from the beginning of September owes to the central bank's policy of monetary base cutting, and auctions for legal entities. "The cash dollar rate decline also owes to fewer purchases by the population," Ivchenko noted. Beside that, he said, the conduct of the currency market in November - December, when the election campaign begins, causes anxiety.

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