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McDonald's Ukraine expanding slower

    07 June 2024 Friday
    64 переглядів

    In 2010, the McDonald`s biggest global network of fast-food catering will open in Ukraine only 2 new restaurants, when 3 were opened in 2009 and 5 - in 2008, the company reported.

    The company's director general, Ian Borden, says the new restaurants will open in Kharkiv and Mariupol (Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine). The company says this year the accent will be placed on reconstruction of the functioning restaurants (mainly to increase the number of seats). In 2009, McDonald's Ukraine invested in development UAH 118 million (1 USD - 8.0 UAH). McDonald`s is running 31,000 fast-food restaurants in 118 countries of the word, including 68 in Ukraine. The company has been working in Ukraine since 1997, having restaurants in 20 biggest cities.

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