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Monument to natural anti-flu aid - onion will be unveiled in Lviv region

    07 June 2024 Friday
    49 переглядів

    The city council of Drohobych, Lviv region, intends to construct a monument to a natural anti-flu measure - the onion.

    The city that was the first to suffer from viral pneumonia had problems with protection masks, anti-virus preparations and disinfectors. However, the folk medicine and its most tested 'preparations' such as the onion and garlic, helped prevent from a rapid spread of an infection. As the city mayor Mykola Huk said, Drohobych residents like very much these vegetables and cultivated them since the ancient times. Although doctors' opinions regarding protective properties of the onion in countering flu viruses differ, they unanimously admit its positive influence on strengthening the immunity and rich vitamin content.

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