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Ukraine ready to drop personae non grata lists - FM

    08 June 2024 Saturday
    64 переглядів

    Kiev has prepared proposals about the lists of personae non grata.
    If the Russian and Ukrainian presidents agree on dropping the lists, they will be liquidated, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk said in an interview published on Saturday.
    He said the “matter of deportation was discussed” at his talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow on Friday.
    Yatsenyuk said Ukraine did not rule out a possibility of accepting Russia’s proposal to liquidate the lists of persons whose entry to Russia and Ukraine is banned, “on certain conditions”.

    It is propose to “examine possibilities for mutual preliminary information about persons to whom the entry to Russia and Ukraine is forbidden”, and “to give one-time entry to such persons if the talk is about so-called humanitarian matters”, and to lift the sanctions against people who publicly apologise for “barbed statements in favor of some or another side”.

    “After agreeing these proposals with the Russian side, we shall be ready to submit them for review by the presidents of Russia and Ukraine.”

    “If they are accepted in the bilateral format, this means that we have all reasons to liquidate the lists of the forbidden for entry,” Yatsenyuk said.

    He said there had been “no talk of the early pullout of the Russian Black Sea Fleet from the Crimea before 2017 without consent of the Russian side”.

    “At the talks in Moscow, all recognized one fact: Russia and Ukraine have stopped politicisation of the issue of the presence of the Black Sea Fleet, and this has stopped to be a change card,” Yatsenyuk said.

    The issue of the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s stay in Ukraine is to be settled within a year or two, he said.

    Yatsenyuk also said he had informed Lavrov about Ukraine’s readiness to sign an agreement on the demarcation of the ground segment of the Russian- Ukrainian border.

    “Sergei Lavrov said that we would receive an answer within days, and we hope that the agreement of the border demarcation will be signed in the nearest time,” Yatsenyuk said.

    As for the US’ missile defense plans, Yatsenyuk reiterated Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko’s statement that Ukraine was not ready to give its territory for missile defense systems at this stage.

    He added that “that Russian missile defense facilities stay in the territory of Ukraine – in Uzhgorod and the Crimea”.

    As for a possibility of Ukraine’s joining NATO, Yatsenyuk said an “interesting decision” had been made at his talks with Lavrov.

    “We have a joint subcommittee on international organizations, including on cooperation with NATO. We want to organise at a meeting of this subcommittee a discussion in order to understand what Ukraine’s accession to NATO threatens to your country with. We do not want a tension on the eastern border. But let us assess immediate threats. Clearly, point by point, Yatsenyuk said.

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