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Ukrainian army retreats from the settlements in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions

    07 June 2024 Friday
    66 переглядів

    Among them - the settlement Novotroitskoe located on Highway H20, which connects Donetsk and Mariupol. In addition, ATO forces were forced to leave in Kurakhovo Maryinsky district of Donetsk region. "Our guys have retreated from Kurakhovo. It hosted the separatists, "- said one of the soldiers of the battalion" Donbass ".
    This information was confirmed by eyewitnesses. "The National Guard removes roadblocks from the Donetsk to Kurakhovo" - write in social networks.
    Servicemen after a long battle retreated from the city Lutugino Luhansk region (20 km from the regional center).
    "Lugansk. We retreat. Airport, Lutugino no longer ours. We are past the long lines of tanks, armored personnel carriers, trucks full of tired, exhausted soldiers. Black with soot and dust face. Gore on the armor ... The guys stood battle with the battalions of the latest Russian T-90 tanks. After pushing them continuously shelled by artillery. Many wounded, "- said Yury Kasyanov volunteer.
    Yesterday it became known that the forces left the airport ATO Lugansk, which held more than four months.
    In turn, the terrorists claim to capture a few more settlements.
    During the violent clashes militants drove Ukrainian troops from the village Merry Mount. Thus, liquidated last bridgehead for an attack on Lugansk.
    Media reported that the terrorists were able to take control of the settlements Fertile, Radchansky and Vakhrushevo and Yelenovka and Malonikolaevka.

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