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Ukrainian climatologists warn that the 2010 spring flood may be one of the most severe in the past 10 years

    07 June 2024 Friday
    137 переглядів

    According to the Hydrometeorological Center, snow stocks in some regions are more than normal now, while February will bring more snow, according to the 1+1 TV Channel. The abnormal winter in Ukraine has seen severe snowfalls being replaced with long-lasting frosts (-30).

    Environmentalists warn: if more snow is added in February, and warm spring comes quickly, we may see the deadliest flood over the past years. Weather forecasters say the flood is inevitable, primarily, in the Prypiat River in the Volyn and in Ternopil region with water level already being as high as in spring streams. Weather experts are also concerned about the Dnieper bed in Kyiv as snow layer is twice as higher than in recent years. The Emergencies Ministry officials say they are actively preparing for the flood, however, there is yet no money for anti-flood measures as the state budget has not been passed so far.

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