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Angelina Jolie's Son Broke Up Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt?

    07 June 2024 Friday
    69 переглядів

    An item in Details magazine reportedly says Angelina Jolie's four-year old son Maddox is part of the reason for the Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt divorce. That little feat gets the tot near the top of the list of top celebrities on a new power list.

    Angelina Jolie beautiful pictures

    Jolie's young son trounced a slew of Hollywood's leading men to top the list.

    Daily Dish! details the skinny:

    Editors at the men's magazine Details put the 4-year-old at number two on their "50 Most Powerful Men Under 39" list, ahead of stars including Vince Vaughn, Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio.

    The publication's Deputy Editor Brian Farnham admits Maddox was a quirky choice but says he deserves to be at the top of the list for his part in the breakup of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, who now reportedly is dating Maddox's mom.

    Farnham says, "He's 4 years old but he has a lot more power than most people, in that he broke up America's royal couple."


    Where will Maddox be ranked if he turns on Brad and breaks up Jolie and Pitt?

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