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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

Sergei Slobodyanyuk interacted with students of political science Uzhgorod National University

    10 June 2024 Monday
    81 переглядів

    Today, February 25, one of the classrooms Faculty of Social Sciences, Uzhgorod National University, students 2 and 4 courses were able to listen to, which was dedicated 21 anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the head of the Transcarpathian Regional union support disabled veterans and families of those killed in military conflicts, foreign countries, , companionship "Red Star" party fighting in Afghanistan, Sergei Slobodyanyuk.

    From the first minute story of Sergey Nikolayevich students interested, because it spoke not only about the history of fighting in Afghanistan, and about living, passed and could see in person, bitter war events of those years. Young people heard the truth about the difficult lives of our soldiers, their way of life, military operations, and the incompetence of the Soviet command, through which young men die in battle. "The most important problem in bidding in the fighting that took place in Afghanistan - a Soviet propaganda and attempts to impose the philosophy of Marxism, the philosophy of equality, - said Sergey Slobodyanyuk. - It is absolutely the entire population of this Eastern country - a faithful people, the vast majority of Muslims, lifestyle, psychology and culture which does not coincide with the Soviet "program.

    The interest of young people has increased even more when the story moved in-memory live conversation between students - the future political scientists, sociologists - and Sergei Nikolaevich. Participants asked about the weapons of war, the lives of ordinary soldiers, relations between the Soviet military and indigenous Afghan and asked to predict the end of the war in Afghanistan, which still to this day failed to reach its logical conclusion. At the end of his speech to the students Sergey Slobodyanyuk wished to prevent young people in its future political and administrative activities of government institutions - that the Ukrainian died abroad, his homeland.

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