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    05 June 2024 Wednesday

    Poroshenko leader, Tymoshenko rating falls, while Tigipko growing?

    61 переглядів

    If presidential elections in Ukraine held next Sunday, the majority of Ukrainians would vote for the candidate Poroshenko. This is according to Ukrainian telephone poll commissioned by TSN company GfK Ukraine on May 6-8.

    Poroshenko ready to support more than 40% of respondents. Second in the ranking of a telephone survey - helpful Tihipko - it 9% percent. Behind him - Yulia Tymoshenko with nearly the same result. Other candidates in descending order of ranking as settled - Oleg Lyashko, Anatoly Gritsenko, Bohomolets Dobkin, Simonenko Tyahnibok and Dmitry Jaros.

    Otherwise looks rating of candidates if the question is: "who you might vote?" Respondents were given the opportunity to select multiple names. Poroshenko here was ahead, but more votes are unexpectedly. Second place went to Anatoly Gritsenko - he has 29% support. Pilgrim him, Ljashko Tigipko - with almost 27% of the vote. Yulia Tymoshenko already in the sixth position. Her - Tyahnibok Dobkin, Simonenko. Dmitri Yarosh - zero support.

    The survey was conducted by order of channel 1 +1 by GfK Ukraine on May 6-8. Survey method: computerized telephone interviews (CATI) with calls to mobile phones. Random sample, representative of the population of Ukraine aged 18 years and older by gender, age, size of the village and the region.

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