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    07 June 2024 Friday

    Poroshenko calls on world's democracies to unite in fight against terrorism

    53 переглядів

    Today, when the world commemorates the victims of terrible terrorist attacks in New York in 2011, Ukraine suffers from a new wave of terrorism, in the fight against which all of the world's democracies should unite, President Petro Poroshenko said at a ceremony to present credentials to the ambassadors of several countries on Thursday, the presidential press service reported.

    "The crash of the MH17 plane proved that terrorism is a tumor whose spread is dangerous to the human race. All of the world's democracies should unite their efforts in combating this problem," Poroshenko said. He said that the security guarantees that were given to Ukraine, including the Budapest Memorandum, were not working. "International legal mechanisms were powerless to prevent aggression against Ukraine. We should find a solution together in various multilateral formats - NATO, the European Union, the United Nations - as to how maintain peace and stability in the world," Poroshenko said. Poroshenko thanked many friends and partners "for their valuable support in this critical moment of defending the sovereignty and security of Ukraine, as well as assistance in solving the most pressing economic problems."

    Through the checkpoint of Izvaryno towards Krasnodon from Russia on Wednesday a convoy proceeded of 12 tanks, 48 armored vehicles, 20 Ural trucks with ammunition, eight Ural trucks with staff and four air defense automobiles; this was reported by the press service of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

    "On September 10, 2014, from Russia to Ukraine, 12 tanks, 48 armored personnel carriers, BRDM 1, 20 Ural trucks, loaded with ammunition, eight Ural trucks with staff, four air defense automobiles and five tankers proceeded through the checkpoint of Izvaryno towards Krasnodon," a statement reads. However, several military KamAZ trucks, six Ural trucks, three 4-wheel-drive automobiles and two tankers had left for the Russian Federation. It is also noted that accumulation of up to 400 military equipment units are revealed in Biloyarivka. September 10, in the evening, from Biloyarivka through Amvrosiyivka in the south direction, a column of vehicles went with about 76 units under the flags of the Russian Federation.

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