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    02 June 2024 Sunday

    Anti-terrorist operation in Donetsk and Lugansk regions will continue

    70 переглядів

    This was stated at a meeting of the parliament's conciliatory council of faction leaders and heads of parliamentary committees by acting President Olexander Turchinov.

    The government is still willing to negotiate with someone who has a position, rather than with those fighting with arms , said the speaker. Olexander Turchinov also commented on the so -called referendum. According to him , it was attended by about 24 % of the population in the Luhansk region and slightly more than by 32 % in Donetsk . The separatists argue that 89 % of the population voted for independence of the self-proclaimed state of Donetsk National Republic . It was reported that on the eve of the so-called referendum thousands of filled in ballots with marks " For "were withdrawn.

    Election commissions for presidential election fully formed in 22 regions and in Kyiv

    A different situation is now in the Donetsk and Luhansk region , Deputy Chairman of the CEC Mahera said at a press conference.

    In the constituency number 110 in Lysychansk, Luhansk region and in eight election districts of Donetsk precinct election commissions have not yet been formed. Meetings of constituency election commissions are hampered by armed militants , said Andriy Mahera . The Committee of Voters of Ukraine predict that on election day about 5 % of polling stations may not be opened if the situation does not change in the east . In Lugansk and Donetsk regions two-thirds of districts are not ready, precinct election commissions were not formed in some cities , where the anti-terrorist operation is under way. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Committee of Voters of Olexander Chernenko predicts that about 10 thousand people , who have the Crimean registration will vote on the mainland of Ukraine.

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