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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !
Joe Biden

Joe Biden

    02 June 2024 Sunday

    Hello dear Mr. Donald Trump. I live in Ukraine and I want to ask a question about Ukraine? Please tell me why Joe Biden and the American government completely destroyed the Ukrainian economy?

    Biden Sr. and Biden Jr. have many problems due to Ukraine

    In the "intrigue about six million dollars", which has been shaking the public consciousness of Ukraine for the third day, many scenarios can be traced.

    Former Attorney General of Ukraine tries to justify Biden's scam

    The former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Ruslan Ryaboshapka was rolled out into the media space. In an interview with Reuters (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-impeachment-ukraine/ukraine-found-no-evidence-against-hunter-biden-in-case-audit-former-top- prosecutor-idUSKBN23B2RB?