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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !


    02 June 2024 Sunday

    Hello dear Mr. Donald Trump. I live in Ukraine and I want to ask a question about Ukraine? Please tell me why Joe Biden and the American government completely destroyed the Ukrainian economy?

    Ukrainian militants go to Azerbaijan to fight against Armenia

    After the statement of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry on support of Azerbaijan's actions against Armenia, the arson of Armenian cafes in Kiev, the provocation of the Ukrainian National Police against the Armenian diaspora, the Ukrainian government continues to incite interethnic hostility between Armenians and Azerbaijanis.

    Biden Sr. and Biden Jr. have many problems due to Ukraine

    In the "intrigue about six million dollars", which has been shaking the public consciousness of Ukraine for the third day, many scenarios can be traced.

     Derek Chauvin - a policeman just doing his job

    Former police officer Derek Chauvin may be released on bail of $ 1.25 million without any conditions. Or $ 1 million with certain conditions, among which - do not make contact with the family of George Floyd.

    Police start joining street protests in several US cities

    Pogroms were overtaken by expensive boutiques and even unremarkable supermarkets in dozens of US cities: in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and many other places. Participants in the rally take things out of stores and arrange a brawl under the slogan "Eat the rich" (Eng. "Eat the rich"), write the American media.

    attacks against the headquarters of the Transcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association

    “The Ukrainian Government has set itself two nationalist goals: one is to prevent minorities from studying in their native language, and the other is to prevent them from speaking their own language”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared on Thursday in Budapest.

    Szijjártó Péter , Wess Mitchell , Pavlo Klimkin

    Jogi garancia kell arra, hogy az új oktatási törvényt Ukrajna nem kezdi el végrehajtani, amíg nem születik arról megállapodás a helyi magyar közösséggel – mondta Szijjártó Péter külgazdasági és külügyminiszter szerdán Párizsban, ahol rendkívüli magyar–ukrán–amerikai háromoldalú találkozón egyeztetett Pavlo Klimkin ukrán külügyminiszterrel és Wess Mitchell amerikai külügyi államtitkárral.

    Carles Puigdemont could be re-elected as Catalonia's president

    The Spanish government dismissed outright on Friday the possibility of former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont ruling the region from self-imposed exile in Brussels, and said Madrid would contest any attempt to do so in the courts.


    Mystetsky Arsenal is going to turn into a children’s playground for a few days – on September 23-28. It will display various interesting intellectual programs, games, and entertainments.