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Новости и события в Закарпатье ! Ужгород окно в Европу !

Венгрия уже не хочет называться республикой

    01 июня 2024 суббота
    79 переглядів
    Проект новой конституции Венгрии изменяет название страны

    В Венгрии опубликован проект новой конституции, изменяющий название страны и устанавливающий предельную величину национального долга.

    Предлагается отныне официально называть страну не Венгерской Республикой, а просто Венгрией. Одна из статей проекта конституции запрещает рост национального долга до уровня, превышающего 50% валового внутреннего продукта, - передает радио "Свобода".

    Ряд других предложений - например, официальный запрет абортов, чего добивались христианские демократы, - в документ не вошел. Проект конституции будет представлен парламенту Венгрии 14 марта и, судя по всему, одобрен, так как у правящей партии ФИДЕС - конституционное большинство депутатских мест.

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    Hungarian government sends women home to make babies
    Drive to boost birthrate among ethnic Magyars in order to protect culture
    Roma children play northeast of Budapest. Hungary's fertility rate of 1.27, would drop to less than one if Roma women were excluded from the calculations. Supporting middle-class families is a high priority for Hungary's conservative government. With a declining birthrate the population has fallen to just over 10 million, a psychological threshold below which many people think "Magyar" culture can no longer survive, hemmed in by Slav, Latin and Germanic peoples. The government wants to set up a global register of ethnic Magyars.
    With a fertility rate of 1.27 births per woman, the birth rate is one of Europe's lowest. If Roma are excluded, the figure would be less than one. To encourage women to have children, the government has reinstated three-year maternity leave, which the previous government had shortened to save money.
    There are plans to boost part-time jobs too, which currently only account for 3% of jobs in Hungary, compared with 30% in Holland.
    Flushed with the success of the citizenship legislation, Hungary's government then passed a bill to make 4 June National Unity Day, to commemorate the treaty of Trianon. But many here in Budapest are questioning why Fidesz party has chosen to prioritise these issues when the country's economic situation is steadily worsening. Unemployment is 11.8%, inflation 5.7% and the Forint plunged over the last few days after intemperate comments by Fidesz party leaders that Hungary might be the next Greece (it's not). Fidesz argues that it is simply carrying out a manifesto promise. That's true, but a government's first priority must be to look after the interests of its actual citizens, not those who may one day also be counted. Now the passport law has been passed, can we please focus on the economy?